How exactly do you enjoy getting dressed and living when it is 107 degrees outside? I love this new top and skirt, but you might notice that my face is looking a little bedraggled. That is from having just finished 'Mockingjay' by Suzanne Collins. It's the third in the 'Hunger Games' series, and just devastated me. I love young adult fiction that tells it like it is, no covering up the feelings when you lose someone, no easy answers to complicated questions, just honest human interaction. These books are brilliant, you must read them.

Top: Target
Skirt: Target
Belt: Target
My apartment looks deceptively clean behind me! hahahaha
I went to the WSF community outreach cocktail mixer with no makeup and my hair barely done. The makeup kept melting off in Jag's un-a.c.'d bathroom and the event was on the patio with the misters. My hair really dislikes me tonight.
ReplyDeleteI love the outfit! It's super cute. :D Gossshhh I want to go shopping. And yes, the heat was horrendous last week!